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Electroacoustic Analysis and Speaker/Subwoofer Setup

Your room and your speaker setup arguably has a larger influence on the quality of your playback than any single component in the audio chain. Rooms are most vulnerable in the bass region but can display many other characteristics that get in the way of getting the most from your music. Any specs and test results from the speaker manufacturer are of very limited value below 160Hz. This is because in the first three octaves of human hearing the room itself and your speaker setup will have a MUCH greater influence on the acoustic results than the speaker or subwoofer design itself. 

Bad bass in the listening environment will nearly always interfere with the resolution, detail, soundstaging and imaging of the midrange on up. Unfortunately, we don't know how well our system is playing until we measure it. We might love how it sounds and are quite used to it but you don't know what is missing until you accidentally get it back - or until you measure it PROPERLY.

The only way to know how much better your acoustic environment can be is by using a quality electro-acoustic measurement system.

Using the Audiomatica CLIO 12 system, WAM Engineering can analyze many different parameters in your listening room and suggest fixes and improvements in order to get the best possible musical enjoyment out of your system.


John P., CA

I want to thank you for leading me into musical nirvana with the addition and implementation of the Distributed Bass Array from James Romeyn and AudioKinesis. It has been an order of magnitude improvement across every category and variable that audiophiles use to describe musical systems. It was a monumental step forward in musicality. A giant step, indeed.

It has gone way beyond better bass. Although the bass is much improved to the point that I probably never heard proper bass in my system. And it's not only the low end of bass but all the goodness of the low and mid-bass. It is now foundational and functional--it is driving the music in so many interesting ways.

But, as advertised, it's not just the lower end that has improved but -- and you can't really believe this until you hear it -- everything beyond it from the midrange up to the high end. Yet, it improves how seamless the system sounds while making it bigger, bolder, better (depending on the music or the passage). Moreover, my system has real energy, like music.

The DEBRA in my system is simply wonderful. My system sounds more musical, more real and it's a lot more fun than it's ever been. (And I actually thought my system was pretty decent to begin with.) It just goes to show how much things could be improved--and ultimately were--with a distributed bass array. 

Thank you for the expert set up. There is no way I could have achieved the same results on my own. It was a pleasure watching and hearing it come together. I am blown away by the results. 

David S., MN

For the most part, the change in my sound has been profound - shockingly better.  The room was a bigger factor than I ever would have believed.

One of the differences I am aware of is sound stage size.  it was huge before; it is more-so now.  Wider, deeper, and taller.  I was playing a favorite true reference LP a few minutes ago, Cornelius, a real sonic marvel, and on one particular song, the notes come from the top of the room, wall to wall, some 6-7’ above the top of the speakers. It is something to behold.  Well, with the [asymmetric distributed bass array WAM Engineering installed], the sounds are now above the ceiling, a foot or two higher at least, and the sounds from the extreme sides is wider, now outside the room boundaries. 

When I play rock, like Little Feat, and I turn OFF the [amps to the asymmetric distributed bass array] it is like - what happened to the music?  Where is the punch and weight and liveliness?  Then I turn the bass amps back on and POW.  I am dancing around the room, and I hate to dance.

I think the settings could be tweaked a “bit” but over-all, this change WAS THE SINGLE BIGGEST IMPROVEMENT IN MY SOUND EVER!  NOTHING IS EVER REMOTELY CLOSE.  It goes to show, that the statement, “the room is a key component of your sound” is not only true, in my case (and I’m sure that is true for most rooms) the room is THE KEY component. 

I knew there was more to get out of my low end, but I had no idea how much I was missing. Even the midrange is sounding better than ever before.  I just finished playing Sheffield Steel, by Joe Cocker (LP) and his voice was more real, more detailed, more solid, just plain better in every way, than it ever was before, and this amazing LP has been a reference for two decades plus.  Every song I play with strong bass content is different in kind - fuller, better transient response, more linear, and the stage is larger too.

People will have their doubts.  I did.  But once heard, the truth wins out.

Oleg B., CA

I spent a couple of hours listening to different kinds of music from my playlist after you left my home. The improvements after your setup are huge in every conceivable aspect: clarity, soundstage, layering, imaging. Also, I can clearly hear bass like never before. The Raidho monitors sound amazing. I am pretty blown away with the improvements already and seriously looking forward to your return visit. Thank you.

Michael M., CA

Simply put, my experience with J.R. has been fantastic! Having him analyze my system along with the implementation of his recommendations has provided, by far, the

biggest boost to the sound quality in my somewhat small listening room (13'x12'x8'). Bass peaks and nulls were a big problem, rendering some of my favorite tracks unlistenable.

But, thanks to J.R., it is no longer the case. I now experience a level of rich tonality, transparency, detail, dynamics, and deep, well defined bass I did not think possible. Further, on a

personal level he is an absolute joy to work with!

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